IPA CBC Programmes among Western Balkan countries
Cross-border cooperation among the countries of the Western Balkans is taking place for the first time under IPA.
During 2007, with the active involvement of the national institutions in all countries of the Region, and with the support of national TA teams and CBIB, 8 programming documents were prepared and submitted for EC approval within the given deadline, on May 31st, 2007. Eight programmes were approved in December 2007. Through frequent regional and bilateral consultations, joint management strucutres responsible for effective and efficient programme management, implementation and monitoring – Joint Monitoring Committees and Joint Technical Secretariats – were established during 2008 and 2009 with the first CfPs being launched during summer of 2009.
On the other hand, two cross-border cooperation programmes involving Kosovo have been drafted and approved in 2010: the former Yugoslav Republics of Macedonia – Kosovo and Albania – Kosovo, while the drafting of programme Kosovo – Montenegro has been initiated at the end of 2010, while the programme was adopted for funding by European Commission in 2011.
Learn more on 11 IPA cross-border programmes among WB countries:
Albania – Kosovo
Albania – Montenegro
Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro
Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Croatia – Montenegro
Croatia – Serbia
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Albania
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – Kosovo
Kosovo – Montenegro
Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Serbia – Montenegro