Romania – Serbia

IPA Cross-Border Programme between Romania and Serbia is a continuation of the cooperation already established in the previous programming period under the Neighbourhood Programme.

Overall Objective of the Programme

The Programme overall objective is the following: achieve on the basis of joint cross-border projects and common actions by Romanian and Serbian stakeholders a more balanced and sustainable socio-economic development of the Romanian-Serbian border area.

It offers a wide range of opportunities to the potential beneficiaries in the frame of four priorities:


Priority I Economic and Social Development
Priority II Environment and Emergency Preparedness
Priority III Promoting “people to people” exchanges
Priority IV Technical assistance


Programme Management

The Managing Authority of the Programme is Ministry of Regional Development and Housing in Romania.



JTS Timişoara

Address: Regional Cross-border Cooperation Office, 5 Proclamaţia de la Timişoara Street, 300054, Timişoara, Timiş county, ROMANIA
Phone: +40 356 426 360
Fax: +40 356 426 361
Programme website:


Eligible areas

Romania: Timiş County, Caraş-Severin County, Mehedinţi County

Serbia: Severno-Banatski District, Srednje-Banatski District, Južno-Banatski District, Braničevski District, Borski Distric