Romania – Serbia
IPA Cross-Border Programme between Romania and Serbia is a continuation of the cooperation already established in the previous programming period under the Neighbourhood Programme.
Overall Objective of the Programme
The Programme overall objective is the following: achieve on the basis of joint cross-border projects and common actions by Romanian and Serbian stakeholders a more balanced and sustainable socio-economic development of the Romanian-Serbian border area.
It offers a wide range of opportunities to the potential beneficiaries in the frame of four priorities:
Priority I | Economic and Social Development |
Priority II | Environment and Emergency Preparedness |
Priority III | Promoting “people to people” exchanges |
Priority IV | Technical assistance |
Programme Management
The Managing Authority of the Programme is Ministry of Regional Development and Housing in Romania.
JTS Timişoara |
Address: | Regional Cross-border Cooperation Office, 5 Proclamaţia de la Timişoara Street, 300054, Timişoara, Timiş county, ROMANIA |
Phone: | +40 356 426 360 |
Fax: | +40 356 426 361 |
E-mail: | |
Programme website: | |
Eligible areas
Romania: Timiş County, Caraş-Severin County, Mehedinţi County
Serbia: Severno-Banatski District, Srednje-Banatski District, Južno-Banatski District, Braničevski District, Borski Distric