Hungary – Serbia

IPA Cross-Border Programme between Hungary and Serbia is a continuation of the cooperation already established in the previous programming period under the Neighbourhood Programme.

Overall Objective of the Programme

The long term overall aim of the Programme is the facilitation of a harmonic and cooperating region with a sustainable and safe environment, where the common cultural and natural heritage is successfully managed together and the opportunities of economy and culture are extended by increased business, educational, research and cultural relations, resulting in the creation of jobs, and the isolating effects of the Schengen external border situation are minimised.

Priority I Infrastructure and environment
Priority II Economy, education and culture
Priority III Technical assistance


Programme Management

The Managing Authority of the Programme is National Development Agency in Hungary.



JTS Budapest

Address: VÁTI Nonprofit Kft., Gellérthegy u. 30-32., H-1016 Budapes, HUNGARY
Phone: + 36 1 224 3112
Fax: + 36 1 224 3291
Programme website:


Eligible areas

Hungary: Csongrád and Bács-Kiskun.

Serbia: West Bačka, North Bačka, North Banat, South Bačka and Middle Banat Counties

Adjacent regions: South Banat and Srem Counties (Serbia)