Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Cross border coordination and joint actions improve the management and energy efficiency of local water supply, wastewater and solid waste systems, and the protection of environment
Project start date 01.02.2020
Project end date 31.07.2022
Project total budget EUR 577.296,47
0Project EU funding EUR486.661
Description Overall objective: The overall objective: Contribution to the promotion of sustainable water supply management in the cross-border area of Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Specific objective: Improved efficiency of the public services in the field of water supply management by upgrading of physical facilities and equipment, capacity building of staff and applying higher standards in water supply in the entire territory of the municipalities of Kolašin and Rogatica. Planned activities: Activity 1.1 – Procurement of specialized equipment for water supply Activity 1.2 – Procurement of works for physical infrastructure for water supply Activity 1.3 – Execution of works on physical infrastructure Activity 2.1 – Preparation of the procedures for reduction of NRW Activity 2.2 – Identification of illegal connections to water supply network Activity 2.3 – Installation of measuring equipment Activity 3.1 – Implementation of continuous education of municipal employees, water supply staff and population in 2 municipalities Activity 4.1 – Preparation of the preliminary studies for sanitary protection of water wells in 2 municipalities Activity 5.1 – Production/distribution of the promo materials Activity 5.2 – Development/implementation of the media campaigns Activity 5.3 – Organization of Project kick-off and final conferences
Expected results Expected results: Result 1: Improved water supply management in 2 municipalities through upgraded physical infrastructure and equipment. Result 2: Reduced percentage of non-revenue water (NRW). Result 3: The process of continuous education of key stakeholders established in 2 municipalities. Result 4: Municipal planning documents in the field of water management developed in 2 municipalities. Result 5: Information campaign implemented targeting 19.000 people.
Expected outputs  N/A
Lead partner Institution name:Rogatica municipality
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Address:Rogatica,Srpske sloge 93
Legal status: Public
Partner Institution name: Kolašin municipality
Country: Montenegro
Address: Kolašin,Buda Tomovića bb
Legal status: Public