Project funding EU
Project website N/A
Programme website Montenegro – Albania
Contribution to the Programme’s specific objective Employability and social inclusion is fostered
Project start date 01.12.2020
Project end date 31.12.2022
Project total budget EUR 315.506,66
0Project EU funding EUR 268.180,66
Description “Overall objective: Increased capacities and economic opportunities for youth in cross border region, contributing in higher chances for youth to be competitive in the local and regional labour market;

Specific objective: Youth in the border areas of Montenegro and Albania have access to services, markets and information and engage in ongoing learning and development.

Main activities:
1.1.1 To establish Youth Employment Lab (YEL) in each of the targeted areas;
1.1.2 To undertake job readiness (soft skills) training events and meetings based on youth needs in each of the targeted areas;
1.1.3 To undertake complementary courses/programmes on job readiness through the methodology of ‘Learning by Doing’;
1.1.4 To conduct research on youth job market demands in each of the targeted areas;
1.1.5 To design/improve and deliver professional/ VET courses in collaboration with
local businesses;
1.1.6 To mentor or encourage/connect youth with internship opportunities in local businesses;
1.1.7 To design a Local Social Plan or youth employability in Montenegro;
1.2.1 To design projects/business ideas focused on tourism sector;
1.2.2 To select best projects/business ideas focused on tourism sector;
1.2.3 To develop and support best projects/ business ideas focused on tourism sector;
1.3.1 To organize and conduct cross-border job fair (focused on tourism);
1.3.2 To conduct school exchange visits sharing best models and practices related to tourism development;
1.3.3 To organize celebration event and promotion of best success stories.”

Expected results R 1: Youth in the cross-border area of Montenegro and Albania are equipped with job readiness skills;
R 2: Youth in cross-border area of Montenegro and Albania explore new projects/ business ideas matching job market requirements;
R 3: Youth exchange, share best practices and explore new cross-border activities.
Expected outputs • 40 out of 100 youth benefiting from the programme activities who have found employment
• 20 youth who went through an internship or mentoring hired by the host enterprises
• 20 out of 100 unemployed youths who have finished a VET course finding a job within one year after graduation
• 2 new complementary courses/programmes implemented in each project target area
• 10 new projects I business developed and tested by youths
• 10 trainings delivered
• 70 youth trained on key basic job readiness skills
• 1 research studies on youth job market demands conducted
• 100 youths satisfied with the new/improved VET courses
• 1 new/improved professional/ VET courses for increasing employability developed and implemented
• 100 youths engaged in developing and testing new projects/ business ideas
• 10 new projects / business ideas developed and tested by youth in border areas
• 2 competitions and 1 celebration event
• 2 businesses participating in job fairs
• 2 cross-border workshops organised
• 25 students participating in workshops
Lead partner Institution name: Caritas of Bar’s Archdiocese
Country: Montenegro
Address: Popovici 98A, Bar 85000
Website: N/A
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Caritas Albania
Country: Albania
Address: Street Don Bosko, nr. 4, Tirana 1001
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Projekti Shpresa
Country: Albania
Address: Rruga “Arra e Mad he”, Nr. 108 Shkodër 4001
Website: N/A
Legal status: Private
Partner Institution name: Association of Paraplegics Bar
Country: Montenegro
Address: Popovici 32, Bar 85000
Website: N/A
Legal status: Private