Brief description Cross-border development of “Female Cooperation” on the equality of women in technical professions.
Region Internal EU borders
Countries Austria (AT) – Hungary (HU)
Location AT:  Styria, Lower Austria

HU: Savaria – Szombathely

Type of project partners Regional government units
Educational institutions
Size (total budget including EU grants) € 200,000 to € 500,000
Main themes Employment, labour mobility and social inclusion
Youth and education
Keywords (Types of Activities) Study visits, exchanges and networking
Education and training
Keywords (Aspects of Good Practice) Genuine cross-border dimension
Genuine cross-border impact
Good sustainability
Background and Objectives The basis of dynamic economic development is a well qualified workforce. There is a shortage of skilled workers in the technical industries which requires new approaches to career guidance for young people. Many youngsters and especially girls and young women still have a very limited range in the choice of profession. Many have little or no information at all about the typical activities and materials involved in technical professions.

The general objective of the project is to generate interest among young women for scientific and technical professions in the labour market, and consequently reduce the shortage of skilled workers and improve the labour market situation in these regions.

Specific aims of the project are:

  • to create new forms of representation of job descriptions in scientific and technical fields (mechanical and electrical engineering) that are applicable across the border;
  • to improve the image of careers in science and technical fields;
  • to increase the number of female recruits in the scientific and technical fields;
  • to curb the exodus of young women from the border regions.
Main activities The project has conducted the following main  activities:

  • Cross-border survey of the potential in the cross-border region.
  • Working out a model to motivate young women and girls to choose scientific and technical professions.
  • Establishment of a cross-border competence network with industrial premises, schools and institutions to make possible direct information and experience exchange.
  • Establishment and operation of 5 partnerships between schools and companies (with highly skilled female employees) as pilot projects to enable further projects to be launched. The execution includes women working in metal industry and electronics as coaches (role models), in order to open new perspectives to the younger generation during the workshops.
Main results Key project results include:

  • cross-border survey of the potential in the regions carried out;
  • cross-border pilot projects with schools carried out;
  • cross-border competence network and model development established.

The project took measures to increase contact between schools and enterprises, activate the concept of role models/mentors and the development of target group-oriented training modules for girls in the technical field.  Results were presented in a joint cross-border meeting of all stakeholders on the topic of young women and technology.

Training based on the developed modules was offered in each partner region targeting earmarked partnerships between schools and businesses. Female qualified personnel accompanied the students as coaches and role models. Training workshops were offered with experts from businesses to improve the quality of career choice for students. In the context of out-of-school learning young women acquired technical skills as part of experimental modules in regional training workshops. A series of study trips were organised for the students from both countries.

Aspects of good practice The project has been particularly innovative both in its focus on women in technical professions and in its methods of work, which combined school and company based cooperation and practical role models.

Many of its elements – network, schools/companies partnerships, models – have created favourable conditions for a longer-term sustainability of benefits derived from the project.

Start and completion dates: July 2012- June 2014
More information
Lead Partner Innovation Region Styria GmbH (IRS)

Liebenauer Hauptstraße 2-6

8041 Graz


9700 Szombathely, Kőszegi út 23
T: +36 96 506 419

Partner AT: Steiermark

bfi Steiermark

Bildungszentrum Weiz
Franz-Pichler-Straße 28
8160 Weiz

T: +43 (0) 5 72 70 DW 3001

Partner AT: Niederösterreich

Regionalverband Industrieviertel  – Projektmanagement
Schlossstraße 1
2801 Katzelsdorf

T: +43 (0) 2622 27156 DW 21