The projects selected under the 1st call for proposals of the Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro programme 2021 -2027 have been contracted >>>>>
The final conference in Užice marked the completion of the project “Strengthening pedestrian corridor in the cross-border area of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (E-CrossPass)” the EU-funded project, linking western Serbia and the Tuzla Canton with 580 kilometres of hiking trails (implemented under IPA CBC programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina) >>>>>
Kick off conference to announce the first call for project proposals under IPA III cross-border cooperation programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027 was held in Užice >>>>>
The Info Session and Partner Search Forum, marking the launch of the first call for proposals within the cross-border cooperation programme Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021-2027, was held on 3 December 2024, at the Grand Hotel Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina >>>>>
A three-day training on Project Cycle Management for participants from various organizations, NGOs, universities and local stakeholders was organised in Ulcinj under the IPA III CBC programme Montenegro – Albania >>>>>
One more 3-day training session on the Project Cycle Management according to EU guidelines under the IPA III CBC programme Montenegro – Albania took place in Shkodra gathering local and regional authority staff from the Albanian area of programme >>>>>
Final conference of the EU-funded project ‘CLean community for sustainability in Environment And Nature -CLEAN’ (implemented under Serbia – Montenegro programme) organised in Ivanjica >>>>>
The final conference of the EU-funded project ‘VIA FERRATA CLUB’ (implemented under Serbia – Montenegro programme) took place in Tutin >>>>>