Monday, 17 June 2024 NEWSLETTER 98
  WB CBC corner

A Regional online event for the JTSs of the IPA CBC programmes was organised on 14 June 2024 >>>>>

The Education Center of the Cantonal Administration of Civil Protection of the Canton of Sarajevo – Stup was renovated by the EU-funded project “Increasing the resilience of communities for risk prevention and management – RESCOMM” implemented under the IPA CBC programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro >>>>>

The project preparation training session under the IPA III CBC programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro was organised on 11 and 12 June 2024 >>>>>

Five training sessions on “Writing a Successful Project Proposal – Concept Note Stage,” were organised under the IPA III CBC programme North Macedonia -Albania in June (4 June in Peshkopi, 6 June in Tetovo, 7 June in Bitola, 10 June in Elbasan and 13 June in Korça) >>>>>

The 3-day Project Cycle Management training session under the IPA CBC programme Montenegro – Kosovo* was organised for municipalities in Bar >>>>>

A training session for more than forty participants from the area covered by the IPA CBC programme Serbia-North Macedonia was held on 5 June 2024 in Vranje >>>>>

The Municipality of Gusinje and the Municipality of Ivanjica marked the World Environment Day through the implementation of several activities within the project “Clean community for a sustainable environment and nature – CLEAN” (implemented under IPA CBC programme Serbia - Montenegro >>>>>

On 11 June 2024, a workshop on “Project Proposal Preparation within the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Serbia–Montenegro 2021–2027” was held in Sjenica >>>>>

The project preparation workshop under the IPA III CBC programme Sebria – Bosnia and Herzegovina will be organized at Rojal Spa hotel, Banja Koviljača, on 24 June 2024 >>>>>

Interact and CBIB+4, organised on 23 May 2024 a joint online workshop that gathered 41 participants representing joint secretariats/joint technical secretariats, national authorities/NIPAC offices, different services of the European Commission, managing authorities and other institutions or organisations such as associations, controllers and national contact points >>>>>


Documentary film on IPA CBC programme between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

  Publications/Success stories

Budding young entrepreneurs develop skills across border: High school students in the border area between Serbia and North Macedonia increase their career opportunities with EU support

Local flavours meet global clients: An EU-funded project supports Albania and Montenegro in promoting local cuisine internationally

  Calls for proposals

Call for proposals for innovative solutions for the green transition of the Serbian economy (submission deadline 31/12/2026) >>>>>

South Adriatic call for standard projects (submission deadline 06/09/2026) >>>>>

Waste management public awareness programme (North Macedonia) (submission deadline 16/07/2024) >>>>>

Cross-border Programme North Macedonia - Albania under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) (submission deadline 26/06/2024) >>>>>

Creative Europe Programme (CREA) >>>>>

Erasmus+ >>>>>

Horizon 2020 >>>>>

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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EU CBIB+ Phase III activities are funded by IPA Multi-country Programme 2017 Contract Number IPA/2022/433-654

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