Tuesday, 28 May 2024 NEWSLETTER 97
  WB CBC corner

Following the publication of the first call for proposals under the IPA III CBC programme North Macedonia – Albania, 6 information events were organised in May 2024 (Gostivar, Diber, Ohrid, Bitola, Elbasan, Korca) >>>>>

More than 350 young people from the cross-border areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro gathered at the Youth Employment Fair held on 24 May 2024 in Mostar and organised by “Your Job” project (implemented under the EU-funded IPA II CBC programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro) >>>>>

The Head of Cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, Nicola Bertolini, and the Mayor of Leskovac, Goran Cvetanović, visited Leskovac and projects supported by the EU aimed to improve educational conditions for children and enhance the city’s tourist offerings >>>>>

Four workshops for potential applicants organised under IPA CBC programme Kosovo* - North Macedonia >>>>>

The fourth mentorship visit to the Day Care Centre for Children with Behavioural Disorders in Stara Pazova was conducted on 21 May 2024, as a part of the “Development and implementation of the programme for responding to the needs of children with behavioural disorder” project activities (this project is implemented under the IPA II CBC programme Sebia – Bosnia and Herzegovina) >>>>>

IPA CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro opened application for the project preparation workshop that will take place on 11 June 2024 in Sjenica >>>>>


Media presentation of the RESET project implemented under the EU-funded IPA CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro

  Publications/Success stories

The factsheet of all the projects implemented under the IPA II CBC programme North Macedonia – Albania available online

Interesting info graphs presenting the success of cooperation under IPA CBC programme Montenegro -Albania and Montenegro – Kosovo in figures available online

  Calls for proposals

Call for proposals for innovative solutions for the green transition of the Serbian economy (submission deadline 31/12/2026) >>>>>

Waste management public awareness programme (North Macedonia) (submission deadline 16/07/2024) Reference: EuropeAid/180926/DD/ACT/MK >>>>>

Cross-border Programme North Macedonia - Albania under the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA III) (submission deadline 26/06/2024) >>>>>

The fourth call for proposals of the Interreg Euro MED (submission deadline 12/06/2024 at 13:00 (Brussels time)) >>>>>

The third call for project proposals of the Interreg Europe (submission deadline 07/06/2024 12:00 noon (CEST - Paris time)) >>>>>

Culture Moves Europe call for artists opens again (submission deadline 31/05/2024) >>>>>

Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy 2023 (Montenegro) (submission deadline 28/05/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180625/DD/ACT/ME >>>>>

Creative Europe Programme (CREA) >>>>>

Erasmus+ >>>>>

Horizon 2020 >>>>>

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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EU CBIB+ Phase III activities are funded by IPA Multi-country Programme 2017 Contract Number IPA/2022/433-654

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