Thusday, 30 April 2024 NEWSLETTER 96
  WB CBC corner

Workshop for potential applicants of the IPA CBC programme Kosovo* - North Macedonia taking place on 29 and 30 April 2024 in Prishtinë/Priština >>>>>

Training session for grant beneficiaries of the Kosovo – North Macedonia programme: "Contract award procedures for grant beneficiaries under IPA II - 5th Call for Proposals" took place on 16 and 17 April 2024 in Prishtinë/Priština >>>>>

On 2 April 2024, IPA CBC Programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020 programme organised the final conference >>>>>

The first training module, being part of the “Development of a cross-border tourist destination”s programme" was organised under “gReen Eyes croSs bordEr rouTe (RESET)” project (implemented under IPA CBC programme Serbia - Montenegro by the Municipality of Nikšić in partnership with the Regional Tourism Organization of Sandžak and in cooperation with Tourism organization of Nikšić) >>>>>

In Novi Pazar, 750 households received a total of 1,500 bins for sorting recyclable waste, as a donation from the European Union, and within the project, "BEST Cooperation in waste management – Towards a sustainable environment” (implemented under IPA CBC programme Serbia – Montenegro) >>>>>

The Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, Plamena Halačeva, was a guest at the Association of Business Women of Serbia, which is implementing the project “Overcoming Gender and Generational Gaps in the Labor Market through Capacity Building and Promotion of New Business Opportunities in the Cross-Border Region – CBC Business, Gender and Age Equalizer” under the EU-funded IPA CBC programme Serbia – North Macedonia >>>>>


Achievements related to environment protection under the IPA CBC Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro

Results of the implementation of the ‘White sport and 19th century common cultural and historical heritage as touristic offer of the Municipalities Rudo and Priboj’ project implemented under IPA CBC programme Serbia – Bosnia and Herzegovina

  Publications/Success stories

Restored grandfather’s house gets a second life: An EU-funded project promoting traditional architecture helps villagers in the Albania-Montenegro border region to thrive in tourism 

  Calls for proposals

Call for proposals for innovative solutions for the green transition of the Serbian economy (submission deadline 31/12/2026) >>>>>

The fourth call for proposals of the Interreg Euro MED (submission deadline 12/06/2024 at 13:00 (Brussels time)) >>>>>

The third call for project proposals of the Interreg Europe (submission deadline 07/06/2024 12:00 noon (CEST - Paris time)) >>>>>

Culture Moves Europe call for artists opens again (submission deadline 31/05/2024)  >>>>>

Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy 2023 (Montenegro) (submission deadline 28/05/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180625/DD/ACT/ME >>>>>

Support to civil society organisations: Civil Society Facility 2023 (Montenegro) (submission deadline 27/05/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180655/DD/ACT/ME  >>>>>

EU Civil Society Facility for the Republic of Serbia 2023-2024 (submission deadline 10/05/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180894/DD/ACT/RS >>>>>

Monitoring, restoration and management of natural resources in Prespa (submission deadline 30/04/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180814/DD/ACT/MK >>>>>

Creative Europe Programme (CREA) >>>>>

Erasmus+ >>>>>

Horizon 2020 >>>>>

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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EU CBIB+ Phase III activities are funded by IPA Multi-country Programme 2017 Contract Number IPA/2022/433-654

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