Monday, 01 April 2024 NEWSLETTER 95
  WB CBC corner

Final Conference of the IPA II Cross-border Cooperation Programme for Montenegro-Kosovo* 2014-2020 took place on 29 March 2024 in Prishtinë/Priština >>>>>

Sixteen representatives from various sectors including tourism organisations, tour operators, and businesses in the tourism industry, alongside members of the “Open-Air Everywhere” project team (implemented under Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina cross-border programme), actively participated in the ITB Tourism Fair, organised on 5-7 March 2024, in Berlin >>>>>

The first national conference of the “Youth start up” project (implemented under EU-funded cross-border programme Serbia – Montenegro) was held in Plevlja >>>>>

The Head of the Department for cooperation of the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, Nicola Bertolini, visited “IMPORTANT – Improving reproductive health in Serbia and Montenegro” project (implemented under Serbia – Montenegro programme) in Novi Pazar >>>>>

A press conference and presentation of the “Via Ferrata CLimb to Unveil Beauty of Piva and Ibar (Via Ferrata CLUB)” project, financed by the European Union under the CBC programma Serbia – Montenegro, was held on 11 March 2024 in the hall of the Cultural Center of Plužine >>>>>

The first brand strategies for Vučje and Kratovo developed within the project “Rural tourism - a new perspective of youth mobility” (implemented under the EU-funded programme Serbia – North Macedonia) >>>>>


Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage projects implemented under Interreg IPA CBC programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro

Explore the stunning landscapes and reach cultural heritage of North Macedonia and Albania

  Publications/Success stories

Serbia-Bosnia and Herzegovina are developing joint tourist offerings with specific joint products under the EU-funded cross-border project “Together for Cultural Tourism – Cross-border Cooperation for Improved Socio-Economic Development and Preservation of Traditional Craftsmanship

  Calls for proposals

Call for proposals for innovative solutions for the green transition of the Serbian economy (submission deadline 31/12/2026) >>>>>

The fourth call for proposals of the Interreg Euro MED (submission deadline 12/06/2024 at 13:00 (Brussels time)) >>>>>

The third call for project proposals of the Interreg Europe (submission deadline 07/06/2024 12:00 noon (CEST - Paris time)) >>>>>

Culture Moves Europe call for artists opens again (submission deadline 31/05/2024)  >>>>>

Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy 2023 (Montenegro) (submission deadline 28/05/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180625/DD/ACT/ME >>>>>

Support to civil society organisations: Civil Society Facility 2023 (Montenegro) (submission deadline 27/05/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180655/DD/ACT/ME  >>>>>

EU Civil Society Facility for the Republic of Serbia 2023-2024 (submission deadline 10/05/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180894/DD/ACT/RS >>>>>

Monitoring, restoration and management of natural resources in Prespa (submission deadline 30/04/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180814/DD/ACT/MK >>>>>

Support to the independent media sector in Serbia (submission deadline 26/04/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180725/DD/ACT/RS >>>>>

North Macedonia: Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy 2023-2024 (submission deadline 22/04/2024), Reference: EuropeAid/180645/DD/ACT/MK >>>>>

The 2nd call for proposals of the Danube Region Programme (3 April 2024, 14:00 Central European Time)  >>>>>

Creative Europe Programme (CREA) >>>>>

Erasmus+ >>>>>

Horizon 2020 >>>>>

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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EU CBIB+ Phase III activities are funded by IPA Multi-country Programme 2017 Contract Number IPA/2022/433-654

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